It’s Wednesday so that means that it’s Top 5 Wednesday and this week’s topic is top five gateway books. To find more about Top 5 Wednesday’s you can join the Goodreads group and discover the creator of the group Lainey but is currently being curated, by Samantha . I haven't done this for a while so this will be interesting but anyway, let’s get started… Number 5: The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak This book is a great way to get into to almost adult fiction. It has been a hugely popular book for a while now on booktube but in general after a film was made a couple of years ago. It is also one of my favourite books so is worth a read! Number 4: The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon This book is often considered to be both YA and adult so therefore it is a good gateway book especially if you really fantasy books. Number 3: The Opposite Loneliness by Marina Keegan Being a combination of non-fiction and fiction stories, The Oppo