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Summer Wrap Up

As you all have probably noticed, it is now September. I know a shocker right? But with September comes to the end of summer which means that school is starting and autumn is coming. At the beginning of summer, I made a list of books that I wanted to read before summer ends and although I did not complete this list, I still read a lot of books and by a lot of books I mean 55 books including graphic novels. So I thought I would talk about my favourite 14 books that I read. Let's get started...

Number 1: Hawkeye Volumes 1-4 by Matt Fraction and David Aja

Hawkeye, Vol. 1: My Life as a WeaponAfter I got a free months trial of Marvel Unlimited over the summer, this meant that I had taken advantage of it. I had heard good things about so, therefore, I read the volume. It was a really nice take on a character who does not always get the screen time he deserves and these comics are a great way to learn more about as a character. 

Number 2: She-Hulk Volumes 1 and 2 by Charles Soule

She-Hulk, Vol. 1: Law and DisorderAgain with the use of the Marvel Unlimited app, I discovered She-Hulk which quickly became one of my favourites. It follows Jennifer Walters as she tries to juggle being a superhero and her lawyer firm. 

Number 3: Silk Volume 0 by Robbie Thompson and Stacey Lee

Silk, Vol. 0: The Life and Times of Cindy MoonSilk is a new addition to the Marvel Universe by her story is unique which makes it a good read and an interesting often different slightly to the marvel comics people know and love. Therefore you should all read it because it is good!

Number 4: The Next Together by Lauren Together

The Next TogetherThis book had been on my radar for a while before I actually picked it up and I had heard nothing but good things about it. Therefore when I read this book I was surprised by how great it actually was and really want the final book in this duology which is out later this year. 

Number 5: Camp Midnight by Steven Seagle 

Camp MidnightSo this is another graphic novel on the list. This one is very much a middle-grade graphic novel and although it is not the greatest of literary masterpieces it is just fun and has a great message. I mean I liked it so much that it made this wrap up so...

Number 6: Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas

Dangerous GirlsA quite unknown YA thriller but a great one at that, Dangerous Girls is an amazing book that I highly recommend you read. Like now...

Number 7: Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff 

Gemina: The Illuminae Files: Book 2The eagerly awaited sequel to Illuminae is a great read and to those who are waiting for the sequel, this book will not disappoint.

Number 8: Undivided by Neal Shusterman 

UnDivided (Unwind, #4)After really enjoying the rest of the Unwind series, I was really excited to read the end of it. I was disappointed as the events of this book kept me on the edge of my seat and I was shocked many a time. I highly recommend this series as it is very great!

Number 9: What's A Girl Gotta Do? by Holly Bourne 

What's a Girl Gotta Do? (The Spinster Club, #3)I have literally loved everything Holly Bourne has written and this is no exception. I absolutely loved Lottie's story and I am sad to say goodbye to the Spinster club but I can not wait for the short story. These books deal with feminism in a great way and are worth reading. 

Number 10: Geek Girl by Holly Smale

Geek Girl (Geek Girl, #1)I read the first three books in this series and they are just good fun and great reads that I recommend. If you are looking for a light, quick reads you have come to the right place. 

Number 11: Lobsters by Lucy Ivison and Tom Ellen

LobstersThis is a great summer read and is real and honest which is refreshing to read about in YA novel. I can not wait to read more books by them!

Number 12: Only Ever Yours by Louise O'Neill

Only Ever YoursThis book is a really important read and I really loved it. It has a core theme of feminism and is just a must read.

Number 13: Holding Up The Universe by Jennifer Niven 

Holding Up the UniverseThis book was quite controversial when the book plot was put on GoodReads but it is so much more than that. It is a great book that you should all read when it comes out in October. 

Number 14: Disruption by Jessica Shrivington 

Disruption (Disruption, #1)An interesting YA sci-fi novel that was just really good! It is only a duology and I hope that I can get it soon. 

What are some of your favourite books you read this summer? Leave them in the comments below.

See you soon, 



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