*I am reviewing this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own. * Title: The Illumination of Ursula Flight Author: Anna Marie Crowhurst Publisher: Allen & Unwin Source: ReadersFirst Rating: 3.5/5 stars ( Amazon | Goodreads ) Book Summary: Born on the night of an ill-auguring comet just before Charles II's Restoration, Ursula Flight has a difficult future written in the stars. Against the custom of the age she begins an education with her father, who fosters in her a love of reading, writing and astrology. Following a surprise meeting with an actress, Ursula yearns for the theatre and thus begins her quest to become a playwright despite scoundrels, bounders, bad luck and heartbreak. Book Review: I was extremely excited to read this book partly due to the cover because let's face it is really amazing. This book did not disappoint being an entertaining and heartfelt story which was a great debut. I really adored Ursula as a