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Showing posts from June, 2016

Summer Reads

So as most of you are aware of, summer is officially here after the summer solstice a couple of days ago. This means that I have at least 3 months of free time to read before I start my second year of university. Except updating the blog, watching Netflix and getting a part time job, I have a lot of time to read books. This being said I do not read the fluffy, light, contemporary books that most people read instead I try to read the dense, high fantasy books. So without further ado, let's get started... 1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien  After trying to read this one two times before I really, really want to read this one although I am sure that I just do not like Tolkien and his writing. If I do not finish it this summer it might just be going to the charity shop... 2. A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin  OK, so I just need to read this one. I have not read these books and I have not watched the TV show so I just need to be immersed into this wor

Books and Songs #1

So around the internet, there is the idea of matching books and songs which are something that I really like to watch and wanted to do one of myself. So the idea is that you match books to songs where you feel like there is a link. So let's get started... 1. Winter by Marissa Meyer and Castle by Halsey             After reading Winter earlier this year, the themes of the book just fit so well with the song that I can not see them as separate things. I do not want to spoil the book, but the song kind of states the plot of this book so do not listen to the song if you have not read the book.  2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Centuries by Fall Out Boy           Every time I see this being done, this song is normally paired up with Harry Potter and although I believe that the series could be linked, the Hunger Games is not one of those books that is going to fade anytime soon. I also imagine in ten years or so, people will still ask if you have read t

The Liebster Award #2

So a couple of months ago, I was tagged by Kitty from KittyPann  to do the Liebster Award and I don't often get to do tags so thank you for tagging me and you should all go check out her blog because it is great. Although I have already done this before, the questions are different so there would be different answers and I knew that it would be fun to do. The rules are as follows:  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog. 2. Answer the questions the nominator has given you. 3. Tag bloggers who have less than 1000 readers. 4. Think of questions to ask the bloggers you have nominated. 5. Let them know you've nominated them through social media or their blog. These are the questions, so let's get started... 1.  What is the last book you read? How did you feel about it? The last book I read was Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas and this book messed me up and I did not see the ending coming from a mile away. This was not the first psychological

Book Review: Graphic Novels #2

* I have received an eARCs of these graphic novels in exchange for an honest review via netgalley. This in no way affects my review * Graphic Novel Review #1: Title:  Faith #1, #2 Author: Jody Houser Source:  NetGalley  Publisher:  Valiant Comics Rating:  4/5 stars Book Review:           When I first heard about this comic book series, I knew that it was one that I needed to read because the fact that it was an overweight female superhero. Both these concepts are rare, I mean the female superhero is on the rise but I don't know about you, I have never read about an overweight superhero and I commend the writers and illustrators of the comic for including it in the story. Even more condemned however is the fact that her weight is not mentioned and does not hinder her in any way to complete her missions. Although I condemn this highly, I do think that her outfit was somewhat unflattering in the illustrations and that it could have been drawn in a bette


So as some of you may know back in January I did a blog post which gave an A-Z of YA Mental Health Books and considering that this month is when London Gay Pride takes place and due to recent events I thought I would do an A-Z of UKYA LGBTQIA books so that you can get some recommendations. In the future, I will probably do the second part due to the amount of recommendations that I have. So let's get started... A ll of The Above by Juno Dawson- features asexual, bisexual, lesbian and gay characters. These are normalised in the text and this is not a coming out story.  The  B ig Lie by Julie Mayhew- features a lesbian character Falling by C at Clarke- Features LGBTQ+ elements Unbecoming by Jenny D ownham- features a lesbian main character   Only E ver Yours by L ouise O'Neill- may feature LGBTQ+ aspects F ar From You by Tess Sharpe- may feature LGBTQ+ aspects The Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil  G aiman- has LGBTQ+ aspects H alf Bad by Sally Green- may contain LGB

1 Year Blogging Anniversary and Giveaway (CLOSED)

So if you could not see by the title of the blog post, it has been a year since I posted my first blog post. I can happily say that this blog has changed a lot in this one year, I mean the layout has not been dramatically altered but the content has. This blog has increased my passion for reading and has been a way that I can spread this with everyone in this community. This has led me to read some incredible books and interact with some great people and I can happily say that I feel part of the community.  Due to this being the first year of the blog existing, I hope for this to be the first of many so to track the changes in my blogging life especially in terms of my reading life. So let's get started... Q1) Favourite book? The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak - No book that I have read in the last two years seems to surpass how much I love this book but I am not saying that the books that I have read after this one are bad I just like this one a bit more...