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Showing posts from July, 2019

Blog Tour: I Hold Your Heat by Karen Gregory Book Review

*I am reviewing this book which I was gifted for free by Bloomsbury in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own. * Title: I Hold Your Heart Author: Karen Gregory Publisher: Bloomsbury Source: Sent by the publisher Rating: 4/5 stars ( Amazon | Goodreads ) Book Summary: 'You make me feel like there's something good in the world I can hold on to,' Aaron says. He kisses me again, draws me so close it's almost hard to breathe. 'I love you, Gem. And I promise I'll hold your heart forever.' When Gemma meets Aaron, she feels truly seen for the first time. Their love story is the intense kind. The written-in-the-stars, excluding-all-others kind. The kind you write songs about. But little by little their relationship takes over Gemma's life. What happens when being seen becomes being watched, and care becomes control? Told in both Gemma's and Aaron's words, this is a raw, moving exploration of gaslighting in

Mid-Year DNF Tag

So I'm not a massive DNFer but I was tagged by Rachel of RacheLeanne to take part in the Mid-Year DNF Tag. I feel like I have changed by DNF game of late, hence why I have actually DNFed one book and I think that I should do it more now because if I don't like something then I shouldn't suffer through it so there.  So let's get started to the tag... Here are the rules... Introduce yourself with one random fact. List all the books you’ve DNFed this year, with a brief reason why. Tag five people to take part! So I'm Amy and I am currently doing a Masters in History and I will be going into my second year in October as I am doing it part-time! So here is the book I have DNFed... Ship It by Britta Lundin  I was so excited to read this book, partly because the cover was really great and also because it had LGBTQ+ representation. To be fair I really loved this book at the beginning but seeking out reviews I saw that it was quite problematic an