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Blog Tour: F. O. X. E. S. by M. A. Bennett Book Review

* I am reviewing this series which I was gifted for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own. *

Title: F. O. X. E. S.
Author: M. A. Bennett
Publisher: Hot Key Books 
Source: From Publisher


Book Summary:

Greer has just recovered from her terrifying experience during the STAGS play. Was she really put on trial by the sinister Dark Order of the Grand Stag? Or was it purely her overheated imagination? The imprint of an 'M' for murderer that has appeared on her thumb, though, is puzzling but incomplete evidence . . .

Meanwhile, Ty is staying on at Longcross Manor and Greer, Nel and Shafeen are increasingly worried for her safety. When Ty sends a cryptic message directing them to Cumberland Place, the de Warlencourts' palatial home in London, they decide to risk a visit. There they meet Henry's grieving parents, Rollo and Caro. Rollo is arrogant, entitled and not overly grieving. Caro, however, while superficially charming, is clearly pushed to the brink of madness by Henry's death, insisting that Henry is still alive. Which is clearly impossible . . . but Greer has her own troubling doubts about Henry's death which make it hard to dismiss Caro completely . . .

Can Greer, Shafeen and Nel work out what Rollo de Warlencourt is planning for his deadly Boxing Day Hunt at Longcross in time to save Ty - who has now gone silent? Or will history horribly repeat itself?

A thrilling, richly complex instalment in the STAGS series.

Book Review:

I have loved the STAGS series since the first book so when I got an email to be part of the blog tour I was very excited. FOXES is a perfect addition to the series, building on the law that we see before and offering new and surprising twists that I can't wait to explore.

One of the major things that I loved about this book is that the characters get to shine. We obviously get more from Greer and her quite in-depth knowledge of films which I aspire to have but we get so much more from the other side characters. This is most evident with Shafeen and I think that it was quite interesting to see him develop as a character and how he is entering a world that he does not belong. In a way, it seems quite relevant to the Black Lives Matter movement and race is an issue in the book and I think the inclusion of this with Ty as well was interesting to read about along with the classist element which again seems really relevant in the coming days. It also didn't seem forced and was a seamless part of the story. I am not an OwnVoices reviewer so please refer to these reviews for more incite.

I think one of the things that link to the characters is that it is obvious that M. A. Bennett has so much to explore with this series and world. I loved seeing the world develop and expand and I loved the easter eggs that I saw in the book and I can't wait to see where this goes in the future. Seeing the development of Ben Jonson and the plays and the whole Guy Fawkes thing was so interesting to see something that was a true story and history. The way that it is included in the story is also seamless and I really liked it.

With the world-building increasing, you can definitely see that M. A. Bennett is comfortable in this world and is a really great writer. In this one especially I can definitely see that there are hints and easter eggs throughout the story. Although I found that the characters were a little slow in picking up the clues, I think the reveals came at the right time and it was satisfying to see them come out.

Even though I love M. A. Bennett's writing, I am a big lover of audiobooks so I got the audiobook for both FOXES and DOGS and I have to shout out Lucy Dixon. She does a great job with the audiobooks and I think that she does has a tone of voice in portraying the characters and yeah I recommend.

I think that it is safe to say that I am super excited about the new addition to the series. FOXES left me desperate for more and the next book can not come out soon enough. Although I'm pretty sure I have a year to wait which makes me a little sad. 

The Verdict:

F. O. X. E. S. is another great addition to the series, offering a more in-depth discussion to the world and I can't wait to read whatever comes next. 

Have you read FOXES or any of the books in the STAGs series? Do you want to? Let me know in the comments below. 


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