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Five Reasons To Read The Relic Guild Trilogy by Edward Cox

*I am reviewing these books which I was gifted for free by Gollancz in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own. *
So a while ago I was asked to review The Relic Guild Trilogy by Edward Cox and although I am a little behind schedule, I am finally going to tell you some reasons why you should pick up the books. So let's get started...

1. Interesting Characters 

Often fantasy series can have very typical characters but I really enjoyed the diverse group of characters that were featured in the book. Although the characters themselves may not be typically likeable, it was interesting to see the journeys that they went on and to see if they would warm to each other. 

2. A Complex World System

I am not the best at reading fantasy series or fantasy books in general but I think that a lot of fantasies have a very stereotypical setting and it was great that this was different. I liked seeing the world of the Labyrinth evolve and grow and serve the plot in different and unique ways. 

3. Immersive Writing

I really enjoy a good writing style and Edward Cox definitely has this. I think that Cox does enough to make the writing immersive and allow me to get into the world. It is simple but often in the best way and allowed me to connect to the story and the characters. 

4. Captivating Plot

The book starts off and doesn't really give the readers much to go on and while it does offer a slow start, the book is captivating and get you involved from the get-go. As it continues to unravel, it becomes more and more interesting and Edward Cox leaves the book littered with some plot twists that make you want to continue and read the whole series. 

5. Perfect for A Listen

Even though I had a physical edition of the book, I love a good audiobook listen with the fantasy read and The Relic Guild is no exception. Imogen Church is a really great narrator and brings the book and the characters to life. It allowed me to fly through the book and great into it when I was struggling to get into the book.  

Here is a summary of the first book in the trilogy, The Relic Guild...

The Relic Guild 

Magic caused the war. Magic is forbidden. Magic will save us.

It was said the Labyrinth had once been the great meeting place, a sprawling city at the heart of an endless maze where a million humans hosted the Houses of the Aelfir. The Aelfir who had brought trade and riches, and a future full of promise. But when the Thaumaturgists, overlords of human and Aelfir alike, went to war, everything was ruined and the Labyrinth became an abandoned forbidden zone, where humans were trapped behind boundary walls a hundred feet high.

Now the Aelfir are a distant memory and the Thaumaturgists have faded into myth. Young Clara struggles to survive in a dangerous and dysfunctional city, where eyes are keen, nights are long, and the use of magic is punishable by death. She hides in the shadows, fearful that someone will discover she is touched by magic. She knows her days are numbered. But when a strange man named Fabian Moor returns to the Labyrinth, Clara learns that magic serves a higher purpose and that some myths are much more deadly in the flesh.

The only people Clara can trust are the Relic Guild, a secret band of magickers sworn to protect the Labyrinth. But the Relic Guild are now too few. To truly defeat their old nemesis Moor, mightier help will be required. To save the Labyrinth – and the lives of one million humans – Clara and the Relic Guild must find a way to contact the worlds beyond their walls.

Have you read any of The Relic Guild books? Do you want to? Let me know in the comments below!

See you soon, 



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