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Favourite Books of The Year (2019)

So it is officially the last day of 2019 and where has the year gone. Seriously. Anyway with this comes my favourite books of the year and I have read 135 but here are just my top 11 so let's get started...

Heretics AnonymousHeretics Anonymous by Katie Henry
I think this one was so hyped up that it definitely grew on me. I really loved the characters and loved reading about the exploration into religion something that really isn't explored a lot in YA. It made me think so much so I just loved it and can't wait to read more from her!

Image result for paper and hearts societyThe Paper & Hearts Society by Lucy Powrie

As someone who has taken part in #UKYAChat for the longest time, I was so excited when Lucy announced this book and was so happy that I loved it. This book, whilst dealing with some heavy subjects which it does well, is so fun and I loved every moment I spend reading it. The characters were so lovable and I can't wait to read the second book in the series. I mean who doesn't love a bookish book.

Image result for all the lonely people
All The Lonely People by David Owen

I have loved all of the books that David has published and All The Lonely People is no exception. I really enjoyed the characters and I think that they were really complex in so many ways. I think that the book is really timely and is so relevant today. The book made me really emotional and it is a book that I keep thinking about even though I read it in the summer.

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The Fans Of The Impossible Life by Kate Scelsa

I have to admit that it did take a while to read this book, mainly due to my own personal reasons but I don't think that this took away my enjoyment of the book. The book was so well put together and I respect this book from a writing standpoint because each character is written in a different tense and can imagine that this is quite difficult to do but she pulls it off and I respect it so much. I so liked the characters and was interested to see where the story went.

Image result for the last summer of us

The Last Summer of Us by Maggie Harcourt

So it is probably a bit weird the reasons why I liked this book so much but it is mainly due to the fact that it connects to the book that I am currently writing. More than that I really loved and connected to the characters and was super interested to see where their personal journeys would go. I did just really like it and hope that I too can write something like this.

Image result for pumpkinheadsPumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell & Faith Erin Hicks 

I read this at the perfect time and at a time where I was trying to get back into reading again so it is safe to say that I loved this book. It gave me a really fluffy and warm feeling something that I always want from a good read. The characters were also really great and I loved the ending. 

Image result for the northern lights book
The Northern Lights by Philip PullmanI think that everyone and their Mum has read this book but clearly, I was really late to the party. I think that initially I was going to give this 4 stars but I just kept thinking about the book and it stayed with me for the whole year. I also just appreciate that Philip Pullman was pushing what it means to be a YA or MG book. I also love the characters and the world. 

Image result for on the come upOn The Come Up by Angie Thomas 

I had read The Hate U Give last year and I wanted to read more of her work as a result and it was safe to say that I loved On The Come Up. Angie Thomas writes such honest and raw stories with such likeable and complex characters that I can't help but love her books and this one is no exception. 

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Orange Volume 1 by Ichigo Takano

I had heard so many great things about the Orange series and I finally read them this year. While I loved both of the combined volumes this year I did enjoy the first volume a little bit then it's the sequel. I think that I loved exploring the series at the beginning and was really taken over by the concept so was more surprised when I first read it. I related hard to so many of the characters and just wanted to know what happened. I did just love it.  

Image result for the sun is also a starThe Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon 

I loved Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon and had this book on my TBR for years but I finally read it this year as the film was being released this year. I really did love The Sun Is Also A Star as I really loved the characters and the romance between Daniel and Natasha. I also just adored the writing and the whole timespan of book. The little moments that we see revisited in the book are also just great and I loved it. 

Image result for heartstopper volume 2Heartstopper Volume 2 by Alice Oseman 

I love all of Alice's books and Heartstopper Volume 2 is no exception. I love Nick and Charlie so much and I do really love their relationship. I also really loved how Alice explores Nick's sexuality in the book and of course, Nellie is also the star of the show. I just get warm and fluffy feelings when I read Heartstopper and I just can not wait to continue the rest of the volumes even though I could read it online...

So there are my favourites for the year!

What are your favourite books of the year? Let me know in the comments below!

See you soon,



Aww excellent list!
I totally agree with Paper & Hearts and Heartstopper.
Cora |

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