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Ho Ho Ho Readthon TBR and Announcement!

So today marks the start of the Ho Ho Ho Readathon which I am taking part in. The readathon is hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer with the aim of reading as many Winter or Christmas reads as possible. The readathon starts today (9th November) and ends on the 18th November, As it is only November I am planning to read Winter themed books so let's get started in the TBR...

HoHoHo RAT 2018 Caffeinated

Physical Book: A Shiver of Snow and Sky by Lisa Lueddecke  

Image result for a shiver of snow and sky

Image result for blankets graphic novelGraphic Novel: Blankets by Craig Thompson

Audiobook: A Clash Of Kings by George R. R. Martin 

Image result for a clash of kings

So this is my TBR hopefully I will do a Wrap-Up post to do my progress.


So for the announcement, I can reveal that I am part of a book club which is called...

The Three Hallows Book Club

Alex Chappell (2).png

This is with my two friends Alex Chappell and Rachel so please check out their blogs if you can. This is our first venture as a book club but we are staying our first book in December. I am super excited about this and where it will go so stay tuned...

Are you taking part in the readathon? Are you looking forward to Christmas? Let me know!

See you soon, 



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