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Blog Tour: The Caged Queen by Kristin Ciccarelli

* I am reviewing this book that I received from the author but this in no way affects my review *

The Caged Queen (Iskari, #2)
Title: The Caged Queen 
Authors: Kristin Ciccarelli 
Source: From the publisher
Publisher: Gollancz 
Rating: 4/5 stars

Book Summary:

Once there were two sisters born with a bond so strong that it forged them together forever. When they were angry, mirrors shattered, and when they were happy, flowers bloomed. It was a magic they cherished - until the day a terrible accident took Essie's life and trapped her soul in this world.

Dax - the heir to Firgaard's throne - was responsible for the accident. Roa swore to hate him forever. But eight years later he returned, begging for her help. He was determined to dethrone his cruel father, under whose oppressive reign Roa's people had suffered. Roa made him a deal: she'd give him the army he needed if he made her queen.

Together with Dax and his sister, Asha, Roa and her people waged war and deposed a tyrant. But now Asha is on the run, hiding from the price on her head. And Roa is an outlander queen, far from home and married to her enemy. Worst of all: Dax's promises go unfulfilled. Roa's people continue to suffer.

Then a chance to right every wrong arises - an opportunity for Roa to rid herself of this enemy king and rescue her beloved sister. During the Relinquishing, when the spirits of the dead are said to return, Roa can reclaim her sister for good.

All she has to do is kill the king.

Book Review:

I really enjoyed the Last Namsara when I read it last year so I was, therefore, super excited when I got the opportunity to review the second book in this series (although it is a prequel series.) I really enjoyed the Caged Queen and would highly recommend. It is definitely the perfect autumnal and winter read!

Although I enjoyed The Last Namsara I was actually really excited due to the premise surrounded around the sisters of the story and this was ultimately what I loved the most. Seeing Roa's life in the story and the lengths that she would go to save her sister was great and I was highly invested in their story. This made the story and the plot go so quickly and I raced through the book as I wanted to know what happens next.

I also liked the relationship between Dax and Roa and it was a quite complex relationship. I loved to see it develop throughout the story as this was the lynchpin to the whole story. It was just so good.

I think that the writing in the book is also just so great. Ciccarelli can just write and that it is all I can say. Her writing is so poetic and she is just a great storyteller. The book contains breaks from the story that develops the world which the book is set and I loved this parts. Her writing definitely shines here. 

On the subject of the world, I do love a world that has dragons in it and this does so bonuses all around. I feel like the dragons definitely take a back seat in the story compared to the first book but I feel like this was just another part of the world to explore.

As someone who read the Last Namsara last year, I couldn't remember any of the characters and plots but this does not make any difference in the story. It is therefore perfect for anyone!

The Verdict:

The Caged Queen is a perfect prequel to the Last Namsara with the same amazing writing and characters that we have seen before. Perfect for those who read The Last Namsara or otherwise!

Have you read The Caged Queen? Do you want to? Let me know in the comments. 

Thank you to Gollancz for allowing me to take part in the blog tour!


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