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ARC August Wrap Up

It is finally September which means that August is over and for me, that means that ARC August is over. ARC August was the idea that you could catch up on all of your ARC whether they had been released or not. 

I used this opportunity to catch up on both reviews and ARCs and although the first half of the month was going so well. The second half of the month did not. I'm a mood reader so I read a lot of books that I was in the mood for which was good because I really wanted to read some of the books. I did, however, get all the reviews I wanted to post out which means I am a lot less behind than I was before. So overall it was a good month and I read 13 books I think. So let's get started...

Book I Wanted to Review and Did

Purple Hearts by Michael Grant (Link)

Out Of The Blue by Sophie Cameron (Link)

Final Draft by Riley Redgate (Link)

The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui (Link)

Ascension by Victor Dixen (Link)

She Must Be Mad by Charly Cox (Link)

Bone by Yrsa Daley-Ward (Link)

Secrets for the Mad by dodie  (Link)

Starstruck by Jenny McLachlan (Link)

Wild Embers by Nikita Gill  (Link)

Pardon My Heart by Marcus Jackson (Link)

The Taste of Blue Light by Lydia Ruffles (Link)

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (Link)

Golden Skies by Juan Zapata (Link)

Books I also reviewed:

Floored by Various YA authors (Link)

Books I want to read: 

Floored by Various YA authors 

The Hidden Face by S. C. Flynn

Keeper of the Dawn by Dianna Gunn

The Iron Web by Kristin Ravelle

Empire of Silence by Christopher Ruocchio

Fire Colour One by Jenny Valentine 

The Search Of Us by Ava Dellaria 

Everything All At Once by Steven Camden 

Clean by Juno Dawson 

A Pocketful of Crows by Joanna Harris

Giant Days by Non Pratt

Puddin' by Julie Murphy 

Golden Skies by Juan Zapata 

Books I Read On My TBR: 

Puddin' by Julie Murphy Rating: 4/5 stars 

Empire of Silence by Christopher Ruocchio Rating: 4/5 stars

Floored by Various YA authors Rating: 5/5 stars

The Iron Web by Kristin Ravelle Rating: 3/5 stars

Golden Skies by Juan Zapata Rating: 3/5 stars

(Look out for reviews on these coming soon except Floored and Golden Skies which are already on my blog!)

Books I Read That Were Not On My TBR:

Are We All Lemmings and Snowflakes by Holly Bourne 
Rating: 5/5 stars 

I really did love this book. It was a great look into mental health and continues my love for Holly Bourne. In my eyes, Holly can do no wrong. I loved the whole concept and found Olive to be a great character. Just remember #KindnessisContagious. 

Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson
Rating: 4/5 stars 

The only way that I can describe this book is weird but I really enjoyed it. It is basically a book that explores witchcraft and zombies. It is a unique premise that is done so well that I really liked it. The characters were great to read about. I felt like the first 20 or so pages were not as captivating but the rest was a fast and likeable read. 

Breadfruit by Malika Booker
Rating: 3/5 stars

A short but powerful poetry collection. I really enjoyed it and would love to read more of their work. 

Ginder Kid by Steve Hofstetter
Rating: 4/5 stars

I didn't really know what this was about when I picked it up at YALC but I ended up really enjoying it. It was a great memoir that looks at Steve's experiences in high school and growing up in school and is definitely worth the read. 

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
Rating: 4/5 stars 

Due to The Darkest Minds not being released in the UK until last year, I had kind of lost interest in reading it but I saw they had signed copies at YALC and picked one up. I ended up really enjoying it and as a person who still reads dystopia books, I still connected to it. I just feel like if I had read it a few years ago it might have got 5 stars but I am happy to continue with the series.
Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare
Rating: 5/5 stars 

I wasn't a massive fan of Lady Midnight but I still really liked it but I finally wanted to read Lord of Shadows. Lord of Shadows is just so good. I have so many feelings that I have not got over. I do just want Queen of Air and Darkness now. 

Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde
Rating: 4/5 stars

I feel like Queens of Geek is the one that I want to talk the most about. I feel like it is just a nerdy and cute story but it is also wildly diverse. I think that so many people will get so much about and from this book. It is definitely worth the read. 

Half A Creature From The Sea by David Almond 
Rating: 4/5 stars

I was mainly interested in this one for the cover and also because I really enjoyed a short story that I read from David Almond last year. I did really like this one too, it showed how David was really inspired by his childhood and all the stories were set in the North of England which I liked to read about. It was a quick and interesting read. 

What did you read this month? Did you do ARC August? Let me know!

See you soon, 



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