The thing about this is I don't actually know if I like a lot of stuff on my blog. I mean sure right now what my favourite song is on a Thursday or the top 5 books that I was spoiled for are fun but are they actually the stuff that when I look back in five years time and go, "Wow I'm am making some good content." Short answer no. I feel like memes - e.g. Top Ten Tuesday or Top 5 Wednesday- are good for so long, they are great for you to build and grow your blog but they are not the best content in the world. I am not criticising anyone who does memes because let's face it I do them. I do them because they are quick and easy and they can be done in like 20 minutes and for a Uni student, they are great but are they really what I want to create? Not really...
At the beginning of the year, I said to myself that I want to give myself more freedom to create what I wanted but I guess this has not happened. At all in fact. OK, so I lie because my A-Z of YA Mental Health books is something that I have wanted to do for a long time and am so proud of but for a lot of my content not really.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I want to make content that I care about and I like writing and even if this means that I don't post as often as before then that is OK because as long as I am creating stuff that I care is all that matters.
I think that if there are still topics that I care about then I will still do the memes but this may not be every week.
I hope you continue with me on this blogging journey with me.
See you soon,
PS I am still going to be talking about books! You don't have to worry about that.