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Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag

I saw this tag on youtube and I thought it looked like fun. It is meant to be the mid-year freak out tag but we are 8 months in so if you think about it's closer to Christmas. This tag was created by ReadLikeWildFire and Ely Jayne so you can see them for the original video idea. Let's get started...

1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2015

The Manifesto on How to be InterestingThe Manifesto on How to be Interesting by Holly Bourne- Holly Bourne has become one of my favourite authors this year and the tie for the best book of this year is this book and Am I Normal Yet? but let's face it I talk about that book too much. The Manifesto follows Bree who wants to become more popular in high school so creates a blog to update her progress. I highly recommend this book and it is one of my favourites. 

2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2015

World After (Penryn & the End of Days, #2)World After by Susan Ee- I really loved Angelfall and World After lived up to the hype and had a progressive story, it was a good book and I can't wait to End of Days which came out this year but I haven't read yet.

3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to.

DarkmereDarkmere by Helen Maslin- I got this book at YALC and it also looks like a book that I want to read, it came out yesterday and hopefully I will get to it this month. 

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.

All of the AboveAll Of The Above by James Dawson- This will be James Dawson's first contemporary and it looks amazing. I have also read a sample that I got at YALC and it seems like a book I would love. I am sure that it will live up to my hope.  

5. Biggest disappointment

Nick & Norah's Infinite PlaylistNick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachael Cohn & David Levithan- I really enjoyed Dash and Lily's Book of Dares which I read last year and completely fell in love with it. This book however didn't reach my expectation and I disliked the characters which took me ages to read this 240 page book. 

6. Biggest surprise

Sunkissed (Ladybirds, #3)Sunkissed by Jenny McLachlan- I don't tend to read many fluffy contemporaries but when I won this from a Bloomsbury I read it and really enjoyed it. Maybe I need to read more of them in the future...

7. Favourite new author

The Bone Season (The Bone Season, #1)Samantha Shannon- I really enjoyed the Bone Season and I really want to read the Mime Order and continue on with this series. She has definitely become one of my favourite authors.

8. Newest fictional crush

Take Back the Skies (Take Back the Skies, #1)Take Back the Skies by Lucy Saxon- This is a book that I recently read and I feel in love with Fox. He has a good personality and is quite attractive. What can I say I just like fictional characters…

9. Newest favourite character

Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1)The Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi- I only just read this series this year but I know that Warner and Kenji are my favourite characters especially Kenji. Kenji is just so funny and he knows how to put Juliette in her place when she is pining over Adam. 

10. Book that made you cry

To be honest a book has never made me cry so I don’t have an answer for this question so here is a cat gif…

11. Book that made you happy.

Nimona by Noelle StevensonNimon by Noelle Stephenson- Nimona as a character is really funny and does do really random things and makes random calls of judgement, she is just a very fun character and this was a really enjoyable graphic novel. 

12. Favourite book to film adaptation you saw this year 

Image result for spectacular nowAs I have said multiple times before I really disliked the book and the film was so much better so the Spectacular Now is my favourite book to movie adaptation of the year. I also have to say that I have only been to the cinema 2 times this year so have not seen any 2015 adaptations although I am excited to watch Paper Towns. 

13. Favourite review you've written this year

Extraordinary MeansOn the review front I am a bit behind and I have only done one review this year and that is Extraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider so this has got to be this one. Further reviews are on the way, hopefully...

14. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)

Longbow GirlI received this book for review and I think that one of the most beautiful covers I got this year is Longbow Girl by Linda Davies.

15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?

I really wanted to finish the Popsugar Challenge so they are the book that I need to finish this year. 

What are your favourite books you have read this year or what books do you want to finish this year? Leave them in the comments below. 

See you soon, 



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