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YALC Book Haul

So over the weekend I went to the Young Adult Literature Convention (YALC) which is an event in the UK which focuses on YA books but mainly UKYA. There were panels, signings and workshops and it was a very fun experience. I met lots of good people who have the same passion of books as I do and passionate authors who care about the community. As well as this there were lots of books to get, these included books that I got signed, advanced readers copies (ARCs), there were two book swap areas and books that I brought myself on the weekend. I walked away with so many new books that I actually haven't counted them yet and to be honest I don't really want to. As I bought too many books I did a book unhaul which you can see here. So lets get started...

Signed Books (I didn't buy most of these except Am I Normal Yet?)

All the authors I meet were really lovely and it was clear that they were passion not only about they own books but everyone else's books as well. 

Chapter 5 Twitter Giveaways

Red Rising (Red Rising Trilogy, #1)- Red Rising by Pierce Brown 

I received this book due to the fact that they had a lot of twitter giveaways and they had a code word helldiver. I already had this on ebook but I couldn't pass on a free book. 

Vanishing Girls- Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver

I also received this from a twitter giveaway with the code word sisters. I wanted to read this book and it was in hardback so it was a win-win situation. 

Books I bought

As you can see I bought a lot of books, and it was a total of 8 books in total although I only planned to buy four books. But the chapter 5 book stand had a £2 sale and so did a couple other stalls on the Sunday so I bought double the amount of books than I planned. 

Am I Normal Yet?-Am I Normal Yet? by Holly Bourne

After reading the Manifesto On How To be Interesting by Holly Bourne earlier in the year I was really excited to hear that she had another book out and was really interesting to see that they had it at YALC early so I picked it up. 

Dreams of Gods and Monsters (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #3)- Dreams Of Gods And Monsters by Laini Taylor 

I haven't read the rest of this series but I do own them and they were selling this book for £2 and it was a chance I could not let up. I can now marathon this series and am excited to do so. 

This is Not a Love Story - This Is Not A Love Story by Keren David 

I already had this on netgalley but I had already start reading it and I knew that I really loved it so I knew that I had to get it when I only saw it for £2. 

Darkmere- Darkmere by Helen Maslin 

I have heard a lot of good things about this book from all the bloggers that have spoke about it so far therefore it was on my list of books to purchase and I am really excited to read it. 

Witch Hunter (The Witch Hunter, #1)-Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker

Again this was one of the books that I got on netgalley and it was only £2 so it was a good deal and it is yet another one that I am excited to read. 

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-BanksThe Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart

I really enjoyed We Were Liars by E. Lockhart and I really wanted to read this by her. This book was also signed by E. Lockhart herself so just made it more special. 

The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1)- The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski

This book has been really hyped up by the booktube community and when I saw that she was having a signing I picked up the book although I couldn't get it signed I want to see if this book lives up to the hype. 


These went very quickly on the Friday of YALC and luckily I was able to get my hands on some. 

The Dolls-The Dolls by Kiki Sullivan 

This came out in March so I imagine that they had some left over. I heard some people talk about it so I picked it up and I am excited to read it. 

Night Owls-Night Owls by Jenn Bennett

I had heard of this book before YALC and knew that it looked interesting so when I saw a book I knew I took it. 

Stone Rider-Stone Rider by David Hofmeyer

I also picked this one and an author called Lucy Coats said that it was a good book so this gave me more incentive to read the book. 

Dangerous Lies-Dangerous Lies by Becca Fitzpatrick 

I really enjoyed the Hush, Hush series by Fitzpatrick so when I saw this an an arc I picked it up and I am therefore really excited to read this. 

-Concentr8 by William Sutcliffe

I already had an arc on netgalley for this book so when I saw that their was a copy of this book that no one wanted I picked it up as I prefer having physical copies anyway. 


-Unbecoming by Jenny Downham 

After reading both You Against Me and Before I Die, I was really excited when I heard that Downham had a new book after a booktuber hauled it in one of their videos. I then got increasingly excited after I saw on twitter that David Finchley books were giving out copies. I did miss out on the Saturday books but after saying that I really wanted on they gave me the book meant for Sunday. It is fair to say I am really excited as it was signed as well. 

These Shallow Graves-These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly 

On twitter Hot Key books had a scavenger hunt for ARC copies of this book, I managed to get a copy. I would say I am excited but I know limited things about this book. 

Book Swap books

I had some books that I didn't want so I knew that I swap them for ones that I did want.  I also left notes in some of the book swap books that I took so feel free to look in the book if you got Talon by Julie Kagawa, The 5th Wave, a black copy of TFiOS and some other books. 

SeedThe It-Girl-The It Girl by Katy Birchall and Seed by Lisa Heathfield

I attended the blogging for beginners workshop at YALC and we were given two free books by ChelleyToy which I thank her for as I have wanted to read Seed for such a long time. I also learnt a lot from this panel so thank you to everyone included. 

Supernaturally (Paranormalcy, #2)-Supernaturality by Kiersten White

At the end on Sunday, the book swap still had books in it and they needed to get rid of them so I had this one. I already owned the first book, to which this is the second. Now I just need the last book. 

Monster-Monster by C.J. Skuse

I had heard of this author at last year's YALC and so when I saw the ARC of this book on the book swap I got it. I don't know much about it but I am really excited to read this book. 

Cracks-Cracks by Caroline Green 

Last year by mistake I picked up the second book called Fragments so again when I saw this at the end of the day on Sunday I picked it up. 

Me and Mr J-Me and Mr J by Rachel McIntyre

I heard about this book so again when I saw it in the book swap I picked it up.

-Chopstix by A.T. Raydan

I have heard some really bad things about this book but when I saw this book there I thought that I would give it a chance. For a book that I got for free I haven't really got much to loss. 

Love Letters to the Dead-Love Letters to The Dead by Ava Dellaria

I have heard good things about this book so I am really excited to read it and it has been on my wishlist for a long time so this was a lucky purchase.

Drop-Drop by Katie Everson

This is another book that I have heard a lot of people talk about so I was also really excited to pick this book up.

Another Day (Every Day, #2)-Another Day by David Lethivan

This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year so when I saw this book in the book swap area I picked it up without thought. I don't know what this is about but I am sure I will like it. 

Between the Lines-Between The Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer

This book has been doing the rounds on the blogging and vlogging community recently and when I saw an ARC on the book swap I picked it up. 

The Catalyst- Catalyst by Helena Coggan 

When I saw this book on the book swap, I got it quickly as I had heard of the book as it had been floating around the blogs for a while and she was at YALC but I didn't manage to get it signed although I am excited to read it. 

Did you go to YALC? If you didn't what books did you get this month? Let me know in the comments below. 

See you soon, 



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