So the cramathon is nearly over so here is my wrap up. Cramathon went from July 10th at 12 AM midnight (your time zone) - July 13th at 11:59 PM (your timezone) and was hosted by whittynovels. Although the cramathon does not finish until tonight, I don't see myself reading anything else.The were challenges to the readathon so let’s get started to see if I completed them…
1.Read a children's book: A Bear called Paddington
I enjoyed reading this as it took me back to my childhood and was an enjoyable read. However, I thought that each chapter was like an individual story rather than it mounting to a novel in its own right. It was still a 4 star read. I, however, didn't read Harry Potter as I wasn't feeling it.
2. Read a hardback: Death House by Sarah Pinborough

I really enjoyed this book, I went into it not knowing anything about it, thinking that it was more of a horror when in reality it was a contemporary. Although not knowing about it, my experience made it better and I really loved it. The characters were very good, as well as an entertaining plot with a twist ending. I also really enjoyed the writing of the book. It is definitely one of my favourites of the year.
3. Read 2 books in 24 hours
I read both A Bear called Paddington, Nimona and On the Beach at Night Alone on the first day of the readathon.
4. Read a graphic novel: Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
After really enjoying Noelle Stevenson drawings in Fangirl, I was really excited for her to release her own graphic novel and the premise really attracted me to the read. I did really enjoy it as her artwork has this unpolished feel which I really liked. I also liked the plot to the story and quickly fell in love with the characters especially Nimona herself.
1.Read a children's book: A Bear called Paddington

2. Read a hardback: Death House by Sarah Pinborough

I really enjoyed this book, I went into it not knowing anything about it, thinking that it was more of a horror when in reality it was a contemporary. Although not knowing about it, my experience made it better and I really loved it. The characters were very good, as well as an entertaining plot with a twist ending. I also really enjoyed the writing of the book. It is definitely one of my favourites of the year.
3. Read 2 books in 24 hours
I read both A Bear called Paddington, Nimona and On the Beach at Night Alone on the first day of the readathon.
4. Read a graphic novel: Nimona by Noelle Stevenson

5. Read a book written in verse: On the Beach at Night Alone by Walt Whitman
Although not a great lover of all things poetry, I did really enjoy this. I don't know if I would buy a whole anthology of this poems but this short snippet was enjoyable.
6. Read a novella: The Assassins Blade by Sarah J Maas

First of all, I didn't read all of this book, I just read the first novella which was the Assassin and the Pirate Lord and I really liked it as I gave this a 5 stars rating rather than the 4 stars that I gave Throne of Glass as I didn't think that it lived up to the hype. I did however warm up to Celaena as a character and I enjoyed the new characters introduced to us like Sam. I also enjoyed Maas's writing and the plot of the story.
7. Read 5 books total
I did read a total of 6 books but I am in the middle of two books one of which I may read tonight and they are...
Muirwood: The Lost Abbey by Jeff Wheeler
I enjoyed this graphic novel but it was not the best one I have read but I did enjoy the characters and the art work and do want to know what happens in the next issue as this was only the first issue.
Currently reading:
The Beautiful Cassandra by Jane Austen
This so far is a nice introduction to Jane Austen as I am enjoying the short stories inside, this is also making me want to read more of her work such as Pride and Prejudice by her.
Take Back The Skies by Lucy Saxon
I am enjoying this so far and I don't think that I will finish it before tomorrow but I can always hope...
Did you take part in the cramathon? What did you read? Leave them in the comments below.
See you soon,
Although not a great lover of all things poetry, I did really enjoy this. I don't know if I would buy a whole anthology of this poems but this short snippet was enjoyable.
6. Read a novella: The Assassins Blade by Sarah J Maas

First of all, I didn't read all of this book, I just read the first novella which was the Assassin and the Pirate Lord and I really liked it as I gave this a 5 stars rating rather than the 4 stars that I gave Throne of Glass as I didn't think that it lived up to the hype. I did however warm up to Celaena as a character and I enjoyed the new characters introduced to us like Sam. I also enjoyed Maas's writing and the plot of the story.
7. Read 5 books total
I did read a total of 6 books but I am in the middle of two books one of which I may read tonight and they are...
Muirwood: The Lost Abbey by Jeff Wheeler

Currently reading:
The Beautiful Cassandra by Jane Austen
This so far is a nice introduction to Jane Austen as I am enjoying the short stories inside, this is also making me want to read more of her work such as Pride and Prejudice by her.
Take Back The Skies by Lucy Saxon

Did you take part in the cramathon? What did you read? Leave them in the comments below.
See you soon,