Although I have already done a TBR (To
Be Read) for this month, there is a readathon going on which I am going to
participate in. This readathon is the cramathon which is going to be taking place
between July 10th at 12 AM midnight (your time zone) - July
13th at 11:59 PM (your timezone)
and is hosted by whittynovels. The cramathon is designed to you catch up on
your Goodreads goal by reading the smallest books on your shelf, although I am
already 5 books ahead of my goal I thought it would still be fun to participate.
There are also challenges to the readathon and I thought these are quite fun. So
let’s get started…
1.Read a children's book: A Bear called Paddington or Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone
Both are short books and I should be able to read them quickly. I want
to read Paddington as the film came out last year and it will be nice to read
the book before the film and Harry Potter is for another year-long challenge as
I have to read a book published in 1997, the year I was born so it will be nice
to reread it.
2. Read a hardback: Death House by Sarah Pinborough

3. Read 2 books in 24 hours
This depends on if I can read two books in one day but I don’t have two
books that I plan to read for this challenge.

5. Read a book written in verse: On the Beach at Night Alone by Walt Whitman
I don’t have a book written in verse but I do have poetry so I am counting it as poetry is written in verse.
6. Read a novella: The Assassins Blade by Sarah J Maas

7. Read 5
books total
If I read all the books I plan to read there will be 5 books in total.
Will you be taking part in the Cramathon, if so what will you be
reading? Leave the comments below.
See you soon,