To the Next Occupier,
This is tough to write which is weird because you are never going to read this. I mean you might but let's face it it's unlikely. You might be wondering why I am writing this? This isn't to you, this is to those who are actually reading this. Well at the beginning of this month. I graduated. From my degree from somewhere, I have spent the last three years of my life. But the thing is that I spent two years of my life in this house. Now your house. It wasn't perfect but let's be real what is. I thought that this could somehow be a self-help to you on how to live in that house but I think that this is for me and let's be real you will figure it out. A chapter of my life has literally ended. Two years of my life were spent in that house but so much happened there and I know that by writing this it might help.
So let me begin by saying this was not what I was going to write today. Every time I see this in my drafts, I think No way, I think I kind of thought that it would never happen. I started to continue working on my novel yesterday for the first time since November before University got too much and I stopped but it seems ironic now. You see I am currently procrastinating on a scene in which the main character doesn't understand why the other character is so upset about going to university and I know why. (The funny thing is that I procrastinated this too.)
University was a place where I accepted who I was and was about to be myself. To some people, I came across as shy and anxious which is who I am and I have accepted this. I discovered that I have a mental illness which makes me that way and I have accepted that. On the other side, I have discovered that I can be myself. That weirdo who loves singing and dancing (badly) to my favourite songs and who doesn't care whose watching. A girl who at times can be sassy and adventurous and sometimes likes to take risks. I have discovered so much about myself from this place which went way too fast, it doesn't feel like three years. I think I have turned into one of those people who questions the time. "It's gone so fast," they said. And I will reply, "Yes. Can I do it again." Because although University has given me some of the worst days and experiences of my life it has also given me some of the best. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Without this place, I wouldn't have had the best experiences of my life and discovered things that I love. One of those things is that I love to write. I think of the time that I discovered I could write. It was in my first year and I discovered that that idea that I had in my head could be written. The same idea that currently has 30,000 words written. I wouldn't have joined my University's Writing Society which means that I wouldn't haven't met all the people that I know now. I wouldn't have explored writing which is something that I love so much and want to continue doing.
Most importantly are the people that I met. I met people that I saw for less than two hours and I feel like the made an impact on my lives. There were people that I met along the way that I know I am never going to forget. I will remember the times that we spent together. Laughing. Crying. Talking. Just being there in the moment. I will remember. The truth I don't know if we will stay in touch. You may have noticed that I am terrible at texting and consistent contact. This is because I want to have a face to face conversation and if I even had one with you I won't have forgotten it.
So I guess that the whole idea of this post is that to me University was one of the best things I ever did. I know it's not for everyone but for me it was the right choice.
I have a degree now, only the second one in my family and it's a 2.1 at that. I worked for blood, sweat and many, many tears to get it and I am so happy. So much so that I wanted to stay (for 2 years) as I am doing an MA.
So to the next occupier, I hope university is all that you want it to be. I hope that it is the rollercoaster that it should be. You will learn that way.
Good luck!
This is tough to write which is weird because you are never going to read this. I mean you might but let's face it it's unlikely. You might be wondering why I am writing this? This isn't to you, this is to those who are actually reading this. Well at the beginning of this month. I graduated. From my degree from somewhere, I have spent the last three years of my life. But the thing is that I spent two years of my life in this house. Now your house. It wasn't perfect but let's be real what is. I thought that this could somehow be a self-help to you on how to live in that house but I think that this is for me and let's be real you will figure it out. A chapter of my life has literally ended. Two years of my life were spent in that house but so much happened there and I know that by writing this it might help.
So let me begin by saying this was not what I was going to write today. Every time I see this in my drafts, I think No way, I think I kind of thought that it would never happen. I started to continue working on my novel yesterday for the first time since November before University got too much and I stopped but it seems ironic now. You see I am currently procrastinating on a scene in which the main character doesn't understand why the other character is so upset about going to university and I know why. (The funny thing is that I procrastinated this too.)
University was a place where I accepted who I was and was about to be myself. To some people, I came across as shy and anxious which is who I am and I have accepted this. I discovered that I have a mental illness which makes me that way and I have accepted that. On the other side, I have discovered that I can be myself. That weirdo who loves singing and dancing (badly) to my favourite songs and who doesn't care whose watching. A girl who at times can be sassy and adventurous and sometimes likes to take risks. I have discovered so much about myself from this place which went way too fast, it doesn't feel like three years. I think I have turned into one of those people who questions the time. "It's gone so fast," they said. And I will reply, "Yes. Can I do it again." Because although University has given me some of the worst days and experiences of my life it has also given me some of the best. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Without this place, I wouldn't have had the best experiences of my life and discovered things that I love. One of those things is that I love to write. I think of the time that I discovered I could write. It was in my first year and I discovered that that idea that I had in my head could be written. The same idea that currently has 30,000 words written. I wouldn't have joined my University's Writing Society which means that I wouldn't haven't met all the people that I know now. I wouldn't have explored writing which is something that I love so much and want to continue doing.
Most importantly are the people that I met. I met people that I saw for less than two hours and I feel like the made an impact on my lives. There were people that I met along the way that I know I am never going to forget. I will remember the times that we spent together. Laughing. Crying. Talking. Just being there in the moment. I will remember. The truth I don't know if we will stay in touch. You may have noticed that I am terrible at texting and consistent contact. This is because I want to have a face to face conversation and if I even had one with you I won't have forgotten it.
So I guess that the whole idea of this post is that to me University was one of the best things I ever did. I know it's not for everyone but for me it was the right choice.
I have a degree now, only the second one in my family and it's a 2.1 at that. I worked for blood, sweat and many, many tears to get it and I am so happy. So much so that I wanted to stay (for 2 years) as I am doing an MA.
So to the next occupier, I hope university is all that you want it to be. I hope that it is the rollercoaster that it should be. You will learn that way.
Good luck!