This is a blog post that I had hoped to write for a long time but I guess I did not expect to write it in this way. This is weird because I have not told you lovely people what I have actually done. This may not sound like sound like something massive to some of you reading this but I posted my first selfie. OK so let me explain...
Why is this important?
For the five years that I have had some kind of social media, I have never had a selfie as a profile picture or any picture of myself as a profile picture. This may seem weird but I never felt comfortable in having a picture of myself online. Yes, at the beginning, I was worried about the weird people who could see the picture of me but at 19 was this really something I needed to think about. No in retrospect not really...
I have never been part of the "selfie generation" I guess, I have really taken pictures of myself and this is kind of the point. I never really liked the pictures of myself so if I don't like the pictures then why to post them online. So why the change you may be saying. Well funny you should say that...
Why the change?
I guess I finally feel somewhat comfortable in my own skin. Yes, no profile picture had its benefits, no one can judge you on your appearance and it is solely based on what your opinions are. But I don't personally feel like I need this almost disguise and I am happy to share who I am. I did, however, want the change to be different, a really artsy picture of me where I look so Tumblr but come on this is real life, stuff like that does not happen.
So some of you may be interested why the picture and what happened so let me explain. I was at having a day out with my Dad and Sister and we went to Madame Tussauds and when a normal person sees a waxwork of R2-D2 you take a picture. So it was from there that was when my profile picture was changed after a pretty spontaneous decision on my part.
The Girl Behind The Books
So after this, you can see what I look like although you can see from the Google Plus thing on the side of the page. So this is who I am, an acceptable version of me. Although I doubt that I will be taking selfies anytime soon...
I don't really have a comment question but feel free to comments your thoughts of the subject.
Thank you for reading.
See you soon,
P.S. If you see me at any events feel free to say Hi!
Why is this important?
For the five years that I have had some kind of social media, I have never had a selfie as a profile picture or any picture of myself as a profile picture. This may seem weird but I never felt comfortable in having a picture of myself online. Yes, at the beginning, I was worried about the weird people who could see the picture of me but at 19 was this really something I needed to think about. No in retrospect not really...
I have never been part of the "selfie generation" I guess, I have really taken pictures of myself and this is kind of the point. I never really liked the pictures of myself so if I don't like the pictures then why to post them online. So why the change you may be saying. Well funny you should say that...
Why the change?
I guess I finally feel somewhat comfortable in my own skin. Yes, no profile picture had its benefits, no one can judge you on your appearance and it is solely based on what your opinions are. But I don't personally feel like I need this almost disguise and I am happy to share who I am. I did, however, want the change to be different, a really artsy picture of me where I look so Tumblr but come on this is real life, stuff like that does not happen.
So some of you may be interested why the picture and what happened so let me explain. I was at having a day out with my Dad and Sister and we went to Madame Tussauds and when a normal person sees a waxwork of R2-D2 you take a picture. So it was from there that was when my profile picture was changed after a pretty spontaneous decision on my part.
The Girl Behind The Books
I don't really have a comment question but feel free to comments your thoughts of the subject.
Thank you for reading.
See you soon,
P.S. If you see me at any events feel free to say Hi!