It’s Wednesday so that means that it’s Top 5 Wednesday and this week’s topic is top five unknown or self-published books. To find more about Top 5 Wednesday’s you can join the goodreads group and discover the creator of the group Lainey. So let’s get started…
Number 5: In Bloom by Matthew Crow
I really enjoyed this book when I read it a couple of years ago and I don't think that it gets a lot of hype that I think that it deserves so I am mentioning it to you so that you can hopefully read it.
Number 4: Rebecca Newton series by Mario Routi
I really enjoy this series and it has less than 50 ratings on goodreads and more people should read this series. It is based on Greek myth so it you enjoy this kind of book, this is for you. Although the series is more of a companion series so if you don't like this kind of series, it is not for you.
I feel like Neal Shusterman is a popular author but this is a lesser known book and it is a really interesting book with a really good premise that more people should read.
Number 2: Dead Ends by Erin Lange
This book is also really underrated and I don't think that it gets the support that it needs. This book deals really well with disability and has a great plot and characters and is definitely a must read!
Number 1: North of Porter by Kirkland Ciccone
North of Porter only has 6 ratings on goodreads and has a 5 star rating average. This tells you that it is a really great book and that it is. The plot is weird and strange but this is what I love about it. The characters are amazing and I highly recommend it.
What are your favourite unknown books? Leave them in the comments below.
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