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Top 5 Wednesdays: Anticipated Pre-Orders for the Rest of the Year

It’s Wednesday so that means that it’s Top 5 Wednesday and this week’s topic is anticipated pre-orders for the rest of the year. However, I don't really pre-order books so these will be the ones that I am most excited about. To find more about Top 5 Wednesday’s you can join the Goodreads group and discover the creator of the group Lainey. So let’s get started…

Number 5: Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

Everything, Everything
Published: 3rd September 2015

Plot from Goodreads:
Madeline Whittier is allergic to the outside world. So allergic, in fact, that she has never left the house in all of her seventeen years. But when Olly moves in next door, and wants to talk to Maddie, tiny holes start to appear in the protective bubble her mother has built around her. Olly writes his IM address on a piece of paper, shows it at her window, and suddenly, a door opens. But does Maddie dare to step outside her comfort zone?Everything, Everything is about the thrill and heartbreak that happens when we break out of our shell to do crazy, sometimes death-defying things for love. 

This book has been on my TBR from the moment that I read the plot as it seemed very unique and like something that I have never read before and it helps that the book cover is very pretty. This has also got really good reviews from those who have already read it. I can't wait for 3rd September!

Number 4: Winter by Marissa Meyer

Published: 12th November 2015

Plot from Goodreads:
Princess Winter is admired by the Lunar people for her grace and kindness, and despite the scars that mar her face, her beauty is said to be even more breathtaking than that of her stepmother, Queen Levana. Winter despises her stepmother, and knows Levana won’t approve of her feelings for her childhood friend–the handsome palace guard, Jacin. But Winter isn’t as weak as Levana believes her to be and she’s been undermining her stepmother’s wishes for years. Together with the cyborg mechanic, Cinder, and her allies, Winter might even have the power to launch a revolution and win a war that’s been raging for far too long.Can Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter defeat Levana and find their happily ever afters?

I, like most people have fallen in loved with the Lunar Chronicles series, the characters, the plot, the writing and I can't wait for what should be a very good finale.

Number 3: Alex & Ada Volume 3 by Jonathon Luna, Sarah Vaughn

Published: 12th August 2015

Summary from Goodreads:

The last thing in the world Alex wanted was an X5, the latest in realistic androids. But after Ada is dropped into his life, he discovers she is more than just a robot. Alex takes a huge risk to unlock Ada so she can think for herself and explore life as a sentient android. As Alex and Ada spend more time together, they become closer. But as restrictions tighten on artificial intelligence, Ada feels unsure about her place in the world, and Alex questions being with an android. In this final arc, Alex and Ada struggle against the growing hatred for sentient robots and their human allies. Can they survive what's around the corner? 

I enjoyed the other two volume in this series and would love to see how the conclusion to this series turns out.

Number 2: The Iron Warrior by Julie Kagawa

The Iron Warrior (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #3)Published:19th November 2015

Plot from Goodreads:
The Iron Prince—my nephew—betrayed us all. He killed me. Then, I woke up.  Waking after a month on the brink of death, Ethan Chase is stunned to learn that the Veil that conceals the fey from human sight was temporarily torn away. Although humankind's glimpse of the world of Faery lasted just a brief moment, the human world has been cast into chaos, and the emotion and glamour produced by fear and wonder has renewed the tremendous power of the Forgotten Queen. Now, she is at the forefront of an uprising against the courts of Summer and Winter—a reckoning that will have cataclysmic effects on the Nevernever. Leading the Lady's Forgotten Army is Keirran himself: Ethan's nephew, and the traitor son of the Iron Queen, Meghan Chase.To stop Keirran, Ethan must disobey his sister once again as he and his girlfriend, Kenzie, search for answers long forgotten. In the face of unprecedented evil and unfathomable power, Ethan's enemies must become his allies, and the world of the fey will be changed forevermore.

I really enjoy Julie Kagawa as an author and I consider her one of my favourites so I am obviously going to read this one. I also really want to know how this series ends as the second book left on a cliffhanger so it's fair to say I am excited about this book!!!

Number 1: The Rest Of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness

The Rest of Us Just Live Here
Published: 27th August 2015

Plot from Goodreads:
What if you aren’t the Chosen One? The one who’s supposed to fight the zombies, or the soul-eating ghosts, or whatever the heck this new thing is, with the blue lights and the death?What if you’re like Mikey? Who just wants to graduate and go to prom and maybe finally work up the courage to ask Henna out before someone goes and blows up the high school. Again.Because sometimes there are problems bigger than this week’s end of the world, and sometimes you just have to find the extraordinary in your ordinary life. Even if your best friend is worshiped by mountain lions. Award-winning writer Patrick Ness’s bold and irreverent novel powerfully reminds us that there are many different types of remarkable.

I am a massive fan of Patrick Ness's work, enjoying More Than This which I read last year and The Knife of Never Letting Go and this is no exception. The plot summary to this sounds really good and I am really excited for it's release. 

Honourable Mentions

Am I Normal Yet?
-Am I Normal Yet? by Holly Bourne
Published:1st August 2015
Plot from Goodreads:
All Evie wants is to be normal. She’s almost off her meds and at a new college where no one knows her as the girl-who-went-crazy. She’s even going to parties and making friends. There’s only one thing left to tick off her list…But relationships are messy – especially relationships with teenage guys. They can make any girl feel like they’re going mad. And if Evie can’t even tell her new friends Amber and Lottie the truth about herself, how will she cope when she falls in love?

All of the Above-All Of The Above by Juno Dawson
Published: September 2015
Plot from Goodreads:
This is a funny and moving love story about friends, first loves and self-discovery by Queen of Teen 2014. When sixteen-year-old Toria Bland arrives at her new school she needs to work out who her friends are in a crazy whirl of worry, exam pressure and anxiety over fitting in. Things start looking up when Toria meets the funny and foul-mouthed Polly, who's the coolest girl that Toria has ever seen. Polly and the rest of the 'alternative' kids take Toria under their wing. And that's when she meets the irresistible Nico Mancini, lead singer of a local band - and it's instalove at first sight! Toria likes Nico, Nico likes Toria, but then there's and friendship have a funny way of going round in circles.

One-One by Sarah Crossan 
Published: 26th August 2015
Plot from Goodreads:
Grace and Tippi are twins – conjoined twins. And their lives are about to change. 
No longer able to afford homeschooling, they must venture into the world – a world of stares, sneers and cruelty. Will they find more than that at school? Can they find real friends? And what about love?But what neither Grace or Tippi realises is that a heart-wrenching decision lies ahead. A decision that could tear them apart. One that will change their lives even more than they ever imagined…From Carnegie Medal shortlisted author Sarah Crossan, this moving and beautifully crafted novel about identity, sisterhood and love ultimately asks one question: what does it mean to want and have a soulmate?

Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)-Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Published: 29th September 2015
Plot from Goodreads:
Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can't pull it off alone...A convict with a thirst for revenge.
A sharpshooter who can't walk away from a wager. A runaway with a privileged past. A spy known as the Wraith. A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes. Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz's crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don't kill each other first.

The Next Together-The Next Together by Lauren James
Published: 3rd September 2015
Plot from GoodreadsHow many times can you lose the person you love? Katherine and Matthew are destined to be born again and again, century after century. Each time, their presence changes history for the better, and each time, they fall hopelessly in love, only to be tragically separated. Spanning the Crimean War, the Siege of Carlisle and the near-future of 2019 and 2039 they find themselves sacrificing their lives to save the world. But why do they keep coming back? What else must they achieve before they can be left to live and love in peace? Maybe the next together will be different...

What are your most anticipated pre-order for the rest of the year? Leave them in the comments below.

See you soon, 



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